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Operation - Trail Dust

Accessing Public File; Downloading From ‘Rhysand; Sekker’
Download Complete; Displaying File
Public Call for Operation Team Assembly

[Image: eaGOLgD.png]

Attached to the file would be a prerecorded holomessage, which would play when selected. The form of Apprentice Sekker appeared a moment later in the classical cyan-white hues of a holographic transmission, the electric tinge accentuating some features of the young Pureblood while diminishing others. The Apprentice stood with his hands clasped in the small of his back, the long black robe marking him as an Apprentice to the Dark Lords shifting slightly and sharp copper-gold gaze glowing under the hood even in the holorecording. He’d faintly look to the left and began speaking, his deep voice authoritative and stern.

“Many materials and liquids have military purposes, whether defensive or offensive. Gases, too, are no exception: pressurised gas is what the turbolaser batteries of Th’Asidra use to fire. Many such substances exist, and all of them are of interest to the Empire.

“Recently, I was made aware of a potential new substance: a gas mostly present on Dravik. It is highly toxic, and its applications must be studied. However, the Pentarchal government of Dravik does not permit Sith or Imperials on-planet, so you will need to sneak in. Due to its toxic nature, the gas is filtered by large air-filtration plants in the industrial sectors of the planet, far from the rich mountain tops that host the rich and powerful. Your task is simple. Infiltrate a Dravikian air-filtration plant, and steal a sample of the gas. You will also take the high-quality equipment used there to filter it. You will not be caught.

“Never Waver; Never Relent..”

With that, the hologram flickered and faded from view, leaving the viewer to access the rest of the provided information.

Location: Dravik, Chopani Sector, Imperial Northern Territories
OOC Location: The lower levels of Taris or Corellia work

Objective: This Operation has two Primary objectives and one Secondary objective.

Primary Objective I: Steal a sample of the gas.
Primary Objective II: Steal the filtration equipment.
Secondary Objective I: Do not be caught.

Timeframe: The assembled team will have a month for this task.

The 1st of December is the deadline!

Estimated Party Size: Apprentice Sekker suggests a party size of three to five.

Three means planning when to set a date for the Operation for three people with a hard cap of absolutely no more than five. Please find a GM from within this number.

Equipment: Due to the toxic nature of Dravik's atmosphere in the valleys, rebreathers will be provided to those who do not own one.

Reminder: Assets are not to be earned or taken in these, they are not meant to be for accumulating stuff. Maybe some money and little trophies might be gained but never anything large.

Verifying Public File
Verification Complete; File Closed

Nivalis signs up

Apprentce Yallanda would sign up
[Image: 66iciMH.png]

Specialist Codri'ir'taitenu signs up

A report was submitted by Apprentice Yallanda Kalkoran

Did things well without a hitch, so report's gonna be short on this.

Me and the Specialist entered using the false identities, ahead of scheduled maintinance but easily excused with it being higher ups pushing it forward due to some made-up incident in another facility. Rushing ahead inspections to check 'incidents' don't happen again.

Got past security checks, used some lighter banter to make it seem low-key and put workers at ease. Specialist Codri, posting as my assistant, worked on getting blueprints and information out of the workers while I attended their main machinery.

I went through their old diagnostic reports and sliced into their systems, using old errors and their corresponding tell signs to fabricate false readings from the most recent diagnostic I just ran - making the two filters out to be in need of replacement, and their toxic detector having 'enough software errors at once to be a concern'.

Specialist got the gas samples, I showed the falsified diagnostic report - took the parts with us without detection.

Specialist did well having the worker help us unknowingly.

Apprentice Nivalis was our designated pilot, lookout and transporter.

[Image: 66iciMH.png]

This Operation has been marked as SUCCESSFUL and has been archived.

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Ongoing Crisis
War in the Northern Territories

The Balance of Power in the Northern Territories!

"The Northern Territories shift under the weight of changing times. With the passage of the ICOT, internal strife amongst Imperial Forces in the North has lessened - though never abated. Although the momentum of the Republic has not yet been met entirely, fortification efforts and victorious naval campaigns have evened the footing at least slightly. Eyes align on systems such as Vykos, Nam'ta and Orsus to see how this proceeds.."

((OOC: The Balance of Power system has begun! Missions that relate to grand changes in the Northern Territories will have an impact on the balance of power shown above, with the end result being that the balance of power's state at the start of the next war arc will determine how strong the Republic will be in the area. The balance of power can be pushing in our favour with bigger scale events aimed at taking the Republic down or fortifying ourselves in the North. This can be achieved through Operations, Adventures and Guild Events. The blue represents the Republic, and the Empire is red! This is organised by the Guild Team, so please direct OOC questions to them.))

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