27-11-2024, 10:16 PM
Accessing Public File; Downloading from '(Sith;Zynn)'Download Complete; Displaying File
Public Call for Operation Team Assembly
![[Image: 3a6ad346974277e4656d710d62a8ce7f.gif]](https://i.gyazo.com/3a6ad346974277e4656d710d62a8ce7f.gif)
*Attached to the file would be a prerecorded holomessage, which would play once it was selected. The calm, yet authorative tone of Sith Zynn was heard. A picture was attached in a file which was accesible to the user. It displayed a lush terrain with buildings which were overgrown and partly destroyed.* ''For some Orsus is a planet heard in stories about our conquest, some others used to live here and are now part of this Powerbase. And some, like me, fought the war on this planet against our ancient enemies; The Republic. We have been victorious, but at a great cost. Blocks of the main city were laid in ruïn and one is in the outskirts which has not yet been attended to. I have the permisson, means and funds to see this part of the city strive again. I have been to the planet plenty of times lately, seeing to restoration of the roads to make them accesible and have a zoo build on the plot of land. A lot of people became homeless and still manage to live in the buildings, families, groups and some lonesome souls. They have been provided food and aid by the Empire, but have no proper housing. I want to renovate the buildings, make a grand hotel, stores, a casino and attact tourism. Instead of forcing the people out with a hostile approach, I wish to offer them jobs first with a diplomatic approach. I need cooks, store clerks, guards, cleaners, maintaners of the zoo and so on. Convince them and they will get paid, have a nice house and will be temporarily on Dromund Kaas untill the renovation is completed. I do not wish bloodshed if they refuse; contact me if they do so, but make my intentions known and give them a proper chance.''![[Image: 3a6ad346974277e4656d710d62a8ce7f.gif]](https://i.gyazo.com/3a6ad346974277e4656d710d62a8ce7f.gif)
*The image disappeared and the viewer could access the coördinates and other information provided*
Location IC; Orsus
Location OOC; Corellia is a good option
Estimated Party Size; 4
Time Frame; A month after a full group has been formed.
Rewards; A written commendation to Imperials, a basic lesson for Acolytes and a lesson of choice (within reason) for Apprentice or perhaps above
Verifying Public File;Verification Complete; File completed
OOC: The GM can contact me in Discord (Merexa) for more information if needed